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Healthy               Lifestyle

Weight Loss Starts from Within

The reasons why people don’t reach their weight goals are often more simple than they think. They are not aware of what they are doing wrong, and why they are doing it. Following others’ often unjustified opinions about how to treat their own body keeps them stuck in a cycle of repeated behaviors that brings them repeated results. Moreover, treating only one area of your health (such as exercise) will not improve your overall health. For proper body function, the body needs more than being run down from exhausting exercise. The body needs to feel happy and supported by OTHER AREAS of health all the time!

  I use self-awareness to increase environmental, nutritional, physical, social, and psychological well-being. These five elements work together as a team. One area that works enlightens the other areas. However, if one area isn’t working, all the other areas will be working at a disadvantage. Most people react to others' moods. Self-awareness works as a shield that protects you by giving you space from other disruptive moods or problems. With self-awareness we are less likely to react to stress negatively. You will be in control of your emotions.

~Heal your body and mind through understanding the psychology of self. This entails awareness of your thinking and your beliefs about health created by your environment, embracing challenges and working on their solutions, and giving the body an abundance of nutritious food and fun physical activity to support healthy cell growth. ~

​   Psychological

- Become more mindful, accepting, and gain control over your habits
- Build a positive relationship with yourself willingly and gently
- Challenge your biased beliefs about restrictive meals and hard exercises


- Learn how nutrition affects mental and psychological well-being
- Develop nutritional dining and cooking skills
- Choose exercises that  scientifically benefit your body and mind the most


- Surround yourself with positive and supportive people 
- Home-cooking, dining out skills, and weekend getaway
weight loss alameda

"Love is our inner guidance to anything we desire to achieve"

I have always been fascinated by neuroscience, social relationships, cultural differences, and the impact of substances and environmental stressors on hormonal function and mental health. My education in Health Psychology, combined with my rich immigrant experiences, has shaped my holistic approach to health. My goal in coaching is to support clients and collaboratively find interventions that they feel most comfortable with. I take into account a wide range of factors that influence a client's well-being, from their lifestyle habits, values and desires to their financial situation, narrative, and past trauma. I believe that by uncovering and addressing underlying issues—critical and often hidden pieces of the puzzle—we can truly heal and empower the whole person. Whether by improving the client's weight, quit smoking, or improve relationships. I listen to your needs and support you in your goals. 

 - Marketa Novosadova Boller 

MS Clinical Mental Health Counselor 

BA Psychology, Health studies,

NASM Personal trainer certification

Nutrition Coach 

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